Sunday, December 29, 2019

Changurace Change Races at the Snap of a Finger!

Imagine you had a long day at work. You came home, took a nice bath and decided to catch up on your favorite show. Ten minutes into the show, a commercial comes on. It was an advertisement for McDonalds. The commercial shows three adorable yellow minions from Despicable Me sitting at the fast food restaurant with McChicken Nuggets on their tables. You thought to yourself, â€Å"Wow, seriously McDonalds? Lame.† and proceeded to switch to another channel with a different commercial on air. This advertisement shows an attractive woman taking a bite from a plumped up, juicy burger with a thick slice of meat, delicious melted cheese and ketchup dripping from it. Throughout this forty-five seconds commercial, the camera closes up on the woman from multiple perspectives to show her chewing and licking ketchup off her finger. It caught your attention and lead you to imagine yourself gobbling up the giant burger. At the end, you turned off the TV and decided to drive to Carl’s Jr for a meal without the realization that Carl’s Jr had successfully manipulated you into buying their food. Changurace promotes fraud, encourages dishonesty and manipulatively sells their product through the usage of offensive and widely believed ethnic stereotypes in America. Changurace is a medical product that claims to give an individual of any race the ability to transform into a different person of another race by choice at any time and anywhere he or she desire. The intended audience for this product

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gender and Leadership Literature Review - 5170 Words

Gender and Leadership Literature Review 1. Introduction Leadership theories and literature describe what leaders should do and on the other hand literature also exists on what leaders actually do, the former are prescriptive and the latter are descriptive (Bratton et al; 2005). Leadership style is a relatively consistent set of behaviours that characterise a leader (DuBrin; 1995). The main leadership theories encompass the trait, behaviour, contingency, power influence, and gender influence and exchange leadership perspectives. This paper focuses on transformational leadership and thus will detail the theory underpinning transformational leadership vis a vis gender differences in leadership. A†¦show more content†¦She says that even though the research found some differences in leadership style, the sex differences are small because the leader role itself carries a lot of weight in determining peoples behaviour. She concludes that women are in some senses better leaders than men but suffer the disadvantage of leadership roles having a masculine image, especially in some settings and at higher levels. Stripping organizational leadership of its masculine aura would allow psychologists to get a clearer picture of any true differences between men and women. http: Eagly and Johnson highlighted the following summaries from their review;† The preponderance of available evidence is that no consistently clear pattern of differences can be discerned in the supervisory style of female as compared to male leaders (Bass, 198 l, p. 499);There is as yet no research evidence that makes a case for sex differences in either leadership aptitude or style (Kanter, 1977a, p. 199); In general, comparative research indicates that there are few differences in the leadership styles of female and male designated leaders (Bartol Martin, 1986, 19. 278). However Quantitative reviews of this research have established the presence rather than the absence of overall sex differences (Eagly, 1987; Eagly Wood, in press; Hall, 1984). These differences, although typically not large, tend to be comparable in magnitude to most other findings reportedShow MoreRelatedGender and Leadership: Literature Review5185 Words   |  21 PagesGender and Leadership Literature Review 1. Introduction Leadership theories and literature describe what leaders should do and on the other hand literature also exists on what leaders actually do, the former are prescriptive and the latter are descriptive (Bratton et al; 2005). Leadership style is a relatively consistent set of behaviours that characterise a leader (DuBrin; 1995). The main leadership theories encompass the trait, behaviour, contingency, powerRead MoreHuman Resource Management : The Effective Methodology Of Managing Human Capital956 Words   |  4 Pageswould like to place emphasis in perception. 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Drive: Aspect of drive characteristics includes ambition, achievement, tenacity, initiative, and energy. These aspects act in combination as a conclusive trait that supports high-level effort, or drive. Drive is important, in that in order for leaders to be successful, they mustRead MoreGender in Leadership1639 Words   |  7 PagesResearching in Business HR 3010 Title: Gender in leadership Introduction To what extent does gender affect leadership style? This literature review aims to critically identify and analyze whether female and male leadership style differ in business. It has been claimed that men make better leaders than women because of the leadership style they implicate. To this affect perhaps women have not been given a fair chance to show their leadership skills. This review will interpret international articlesRead MoreResearch Methodologies966 Words   |  4 Pagespertaining to leadership, management and the culture as it pertains to the organization. This paper will delve into the qualitative aspect of research methodology and the methods of literature reviews and surveys as tools for gather information, knowledge, cause and effect of hypotheses as they relate to leadership and organizational culture. A discussion of general limitations and research methodology for the final research paper help to prepare for the presentation of solutions to leadership help toRead MoreUnderstanding The Cognitive Processes Of Organi zational Psychology950 Words   |  4 PagesUnderstanding the cognitive processes of organizational psychology light on the causes of events based on stereotypes. Fri and the leadership of the research focuses on a variety of business environments, students and administrators. the general manager of the matter, I think it s a good model is sometimes described as a thought that is incompatible with the behavior of male and female leader refers to the idea. For example, the pronunciation of certain parameters in order to promote stereotypesRead MoreDQs: Gender and Leadership Diversity1058 Words   |  4 PagesFor your initial post to this discussion, read the articles dealing with gender and leadership diversity and respond to the following questions. In what ways do these institutional barriers intersect with leader behavior and identity? Is it enough for women leaders to develop effective behavior and styles to become more effective leaders? Eagly Chin (2010) note that the barriers described intersect with leader behavior and identity in that leaders who are members of these groups are often expectedRead MoreLeadership Styles Of A Leadership1685 Words   |  7 PagesLeadership involves the capacity to lead, influence, and motivate followers to accomplish goals effectively. This literature review will discuss the various leadership styles and linkage between the followers. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Overpopulation Unemployment and Possible Solutions Free Essays

To Thi Thu Huong Writing task 2 THE WOLD IS EXPERIENCING A DRAMATIC INCREASE IN POPULATION. THIS IS CAUSING PROBLEMS NOT ONLY FOR POOR, UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES, BUT ALSO FOR INDUSTRIALIZED AND DEVELOPING NATIONS. DESCRIBE SOME OF THE PROBLEMS THAT OVERPOPULATION CAUSES AND SUGGEST AT LEAST ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION. We will write a custom essay sample on Overpopulation: Unemployment and Possible Solutions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Due to recent improvement in healthcare system as well as the economic growth, the population is increasing faster and faster. This is laying a heavy burden on the economy, society and environment of both advanced and developing nations. In this essay, I’m going to explore the main problems caused by overcrowding and suggest some possible solutions. First, overpopulation tends to slowdown the economy because it creates a shortage of public goods such as electricity and water supply, etc. which depend on the government allocation. Hence, the authorities, especially in poor countries have to apply for high-interest loans from abroad to fill in the budget deficit. Consequently, those countries are struggling to repay the long-term foreign debts and unable to escape the vicious circle of poverty. Second, there is a great deal of troubles for the society with too many people. For example, the appreciation of unemployment rates will cause bad impacts on social welfare; and the education and healthcare system may not be able to meet the needs of the public. Also, the community will be suffered from severe hunger, formidable crime rates and unstable politic situation. Moreover, when the planet gets more crowded, the environment is also threatened. Along with the intensive farming and industrialization to fulfill the dearth of the extra residents, there will be more sewage, redundant fertilizer and pesticide, and exhaust fumes that pollute the water the land the air. In addition, the exploitation of natural resources will drain the earth’s stockpile to the point that it can no longer supply for our life. Eventually, what awaits humankind is a future of suicide. Fortunately, there are some possible solutions for those problems. The government can promote public-private provision to deal with the needs for public goods. An increase in taxation and industry investment will settle many social and economy troubles such as unemployment and budget inadequacy. We also need stricter regulations on resource usage and pollutant emission. At the same time, a focus on early education will help untie the knot of overpopulation from the root. The more developed nations and international institutions should help the underdeveloped countries by providing more ODAs and FDIs as well as establishing consultancy councils. To summarize, overpopulation is now a world wide phenomenon that is followed by many negative economic, social and environmental impacts. However, those difficulties can be overcome with the efforts of both the government and the individual. How to cite Overpopulation: Unemployment and Possible Solutions, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes free essay sample

His dream of ending the days students called him Moby was placed on halt due to his commitment to one of his close friends Sarah. Sarah was a girl who lived a familiar lifestyle to Eric. She was constantly teased by the students who attended her school. At a young age Sarah’s face and hands were placed on a woodstove by her dad leaving her with untreated scars that later turned into dead tissue. The scars would later serve as a sign on strength and self-unity . â€Å"You learned a good lesson about pain,† when you can’t take it anymore, your body stops feeling for you, (Crutcher89) . One of the major themes Chris Crutcher portrayed in â€Å"Staying Fat For Sarah Brynes is friendship . Eric and Sarah became friends as social outcasts. Both were often rejected by society so they learn to appreciate each other . They discovered ways to understand each other and soothe each other’s pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They learned to be there for each other through the thick and thin. â€Å"Look, if you keep eating like a starving Biafran turned loose at the Food Circus just to prove me wrong about why were friends , you’ll die of a heart attack before your fifteen† (Crutcher page 93). This showed how much Sarah Byrnes friendship meant to Erick, because he was willing to continue to be fat, even though he had always been made fun of, just to prove to her that he would not stop being her friend. Throughout the book Crutcher takes readers on an adventure of some of the things Sarah faced on an everyday basis. By providing readers with this discrepancy it showed the building structure of Eric and Sarah’s friendship. It made onlookers realize the seal of respect they had for each other. Even though outside sources tried to detour Eric’s love and compassion for Sarah â€Å"Taking on someone else’s monster will kill you† Crutcher 219-220) he stalwartly stood by her side . The book states that Eric came face to face with Sarah’s dad to confront him on the mistreating of his friend. Sarah’s dad was symbolized throughout the book as a troubled guy who battled alcoholism most of his adult life. The courageousness of Eric to stand up to him despite putting his life in danger shows the commitment he had to Sarah. Apart of supporting Sarah it made Eric a stronger person. While witnessing the harsh reality of Sarah’s life and how she dealt with it inspired him to be as strong as her. â€Å"I wanted to be tough like Sarah Byrnes , to stand straight and, oblivious to gut eclipsing my belt buckle. He learned that without her friendship his life would have been the same and he would have never learned that he had valor. Erick gave the ultimate sacrifice by putting his life on the line in order for Sarah Byrnes to escape from her father. He helped the world know about the horrible abuse that Sarah Byrnes went through every day of her life.